10.1 OS update for the Z10

After waiting “patiently” for my provider to release the update to the BlackBerry OS 10 I updated my Z10 a bit more than a week ago. The update itself was easy and straightforward. The size of the download was a bit larger than others had reported which made me look for the power supply right away. You actually should always have the BlackBerry plugged-in to a power supply when upgrading the OS and not let it run on battery-mode anyway. The download took a while and so did the installation. When finished the device needed a restart, no surprise there.

I really liked the short tutorials after the upgrade/restart, this should be helpful for many users, and especially that my settings were still there, even with 3rd party apps. This was one of the most annoying things with the old BB OS. With every OS update you lost most of your 3rd party apps settings but this is not an issue anymore.
After the OS update many of the apps needed to be updated as well which took another “few minutes”. All in all it took about one hour to update the OS and apps to their latest version but most of the time had been used for the downloads so I’ll blame the bandwidth here.

My impression is still good. Some fonts have changed, the battery life is better, at least for my device, the device/OS seems to run smoother. I still need to get used to the battery draining. I was used to that on Android but was not for BlackBerry. The multilingual language input and recognition is really great but I wish it would be possible to enable more than three languages.

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