A return ticket to SNoUG

I missed my self-set deadline for this post so I’m not referencing Back to the Future anymore.. 😉 but this Wednesday will still be a special day for me when I will have a session at SNoUG together with Sandra Bühler, talking about a customer reference project.
If you haven’t checked the agenda yet, go here as it is packed with IBM Champions and information you can put to use right away.

So why is it special? Because “back in the early days of administration..” it was not that easy to get information about solutions, possible problems, 3rd party products and so on, about and around all that was Lotus Software.
Being a junior administrator I was not allowed to travel to the US for any conferences but luckily someone from the company I was working for was involved in SNoUG and told me about the user group meeting “where you can meet peers, discuss and compare settings, best practices and get a confirmation, that you are not the only one using this software..” (sounds familiar?).
Basically SNoUG was my first “knowledge well” in the Yellowverse, and stayed so for a few years, before I moved to larger scale conferences with Lotusphere Europe in Berlin and then on to the various Lotuspheres in Orlando and some of the user groups around the world.
And now, after all these years and a few sessions at user groups all over the world I get to speak at the user group meeting where it somehow all started for me. I’m looking forward to it.

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