about me

This is the personal blog of Andreas Ponte.
I’m a consultant specialised in Collaboration Solutions and have been awarded as an IBM Champion 2015 – 2019 and as an HCL Ambassador 2019 – 2025.

I work for Belsoft Collaboration AG in Zurich, Switzerland.

In this blog, you’ll find information about HCL IBM (Lotus) Notes & Domino, HCL IBM Connections, Zoom, collaboration solutions in general, and whatever else crosses my path.

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IBM Champion Badge

One thought on “about me

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  1. Andreas, hi I’m Gary Slebodnick, I live in the Boston area and I’ve enjoyed reading many of your blog entries. Your blend of IBM & BlackBerry topics is of particular interest to me, since I work at a large church that’s been using Notes since the mid-90’s and I’m also an avid BlackBerry fan. I’m an accountant by trade, but I’ve developed several databases over the years that the church uses in the office for HR, membership and accounting purposes. Previously I used bb-os7 & bb10 devices, however I’ve recently ventured out and started to use a bb Priv. Overall my experience has been good, however when it comes to Notes mail in the Android Hub, it hasn’t really worked well. I’ve found that installing the IBM Verse app gives me much better results. This was a bit disappointing to me since Notes mail on bb10 worked so well in the Hub, and the Hub is such an efficient app. I’m wondering if you’ve ventured into the bb Android world and if you’ve run into a similar issue? The best that I could do with Notes mail in the Android Hub was to set it up as imap, however the result is that though I receive mail, often times there’s an unusually long delay before the mail actually gets to my phone. There’s clearly a noticeable issue (~5-40 min delay) as I tested it and tried to improve things but to no avail. I actually recall experiencing a similar issue back when I was using Notes imap mail on a Bold 9900, and I was eager to upgrade to bb10 when it came out due to the IBM/BB integration in the Hub. Unfortunately, the partnership doesn’t appear to have carried forward to Android. I would greatly appreciate any insights or experience that you could offer to me on this topic at your convenience of course. Thank you for the opportunity to reach out to you in this manner, and I look forward to continuing to read your blog.

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