BlackBerry Work Drives – improved

As I had written a few months back, one of the features I really like on BlackBerry 10 devices are the BlackBerry Work Drives. I think it is an underrated feature which helped me more than once when I needed to move or transfer data between the device and my computer or network drive at work. Yes, you still need to use a BES and it only works in the Work space of the device but I’m more than OK with that. It’s not an app I use every day but sometimes, when for whatever reason email or storing in the cloud are not an option or possible, it’s an easy way to get to the data.

A few days ago I needed a file I knew I had downloaded on my laptop at work but couldn’t remember the site I got it from. So I fired up Blackberry Work Drives, connected to my Download folder and grabbed the document from there. While accessing the app I also got notified about an update being available. Besides some design changes and bug fixing, i.e. folders with “Umlaute” are now supported, the main improvements are:

  • Easy authentication with integration in BlackBerry 10 Credential Manager
  • Easier access for users now with remote drive mapping by BES administrator
  • Support for Microsoft SharePoint

What it didn’t say though was that you need BES 10.2.3 to have the remote drive mapping. Luckily it is available since yesterday as well.
Apparently the SharePoint integration does not work that well, or at all, but I have no SP site to test so I can’t comment on that.

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