Various users reported that sync of email/calendar was not working anymore with Android devices. The log shows this error: "Error: Sync session XXXXXXX is outdated and no longer valid."I found the following "brand new" defect article from HCL, explaining the problem. Basically there is an issue with a specific build of Verse on Android... Continue Reading →
Alternative access to Domino applications on MacOS
If you are using a Mac and HCL Notes, the latest Monterey OS update, released two days ago, came with a surprise.. HCL Notes error message The client quits shortly after the start, it's affecting all versions. HCL is working on a solution and created a defect article, which I encourage you to subscribe Continue Reading →
All-in-one Admin Tool for Domino
Last week during an OpenNTF webinar, Heather Hottenstein, Technical Advisor with HCL Software, ran through a long standing tool every Domino admin should know about and have in their tool set. The All-in-one Admin Tool is a selection of agents and scripts, which were provided by Lotus, then IBM and now HCL Support. The just... Continue Reading →
fixed HCL Notes 12.0.1 mail templates available
A few bugs have been reported for the 12.0.1 mail template and fixed templates are now available for various languages (English, German, Japanese, Italian, French, Dutch and more). I was particularly looking forward to SPR # SANECAUH5J in regards to DOMI and rescheduled meetings in Zoom Below is the list of fixes and the link... Continue Reading →
toc.. toc.. is this thing on?
Hello World! it's been a while since my last update.. over a year. wow, time flies when you're having fun? oh well, it's not been all fun, as we all are aware of the situation we have faced over the last year and are still facing in our daily life today. During the last 16... Continue Reading →
HCL Client Advocacy
I'm sure you know by now, that HCL has a very different approach when it comes to "listening to their customers". One of their programs to this matter is their Client Advocacy program. From their FAQ: What is HCL Client Advocacy? A customer centric approach is the foundational element of the HCL Software business philosophy and... Continue Reading →
FP1 for Notes 10.0.1 and fixing a start-up crash
A few days ago IBM announced FP1 for IBM Notes 10.0.1 to be ready for download at Fix Central As it often happens, and because I was having some issues with my 10.0.1 client on Mac, I decided to download and install FP1 right away. Which ended with this nice message when starting the Notes... Continue Reading →