I was working at a customer site, the admin client I was using was a bit sluggish and some of the screens were only loading very slowly. At the first glance I didn't notice the second box but going back to the messaging tab I had a better look and saw this: I had the... Continue Reading →
Why email is still my favourite “app”
I can imagine a lot of you already "moaning" about this but lately I just got the confirmation that the only app that works for me is my email. Why? Easy, consistency. I try a lot of apps, cloud solutions and whatever else there is but the only app/solution which gives me always the same... Continue Reading →
Updated Traveler Companion app for Windows Phone 8 devices
It seems like yesterday was a global upgrade day.. also the IBM Notes Traveler Companion app for Windows Phone devices has been updated to Version 1.1 what is new: option to always blind copy sender on mail sent from Companion option to configure auto download size for attachments receiving and composing “do not copy” mail... Continue Reading →
Interim Fixes available for Notes/Domino 9.0.1 FP1 & 8.5.3 FP6
Just out, IFs for Notes / Domino / iNotes 9.0.1 FP1 and 8.5.3 FP6 Details here: IF 9.0.1 FP1 and here: IF 8.5.3 FP6
Bigino per IBM Notes 9
guarda guarda cosa ho trovato in fondo al cassetto... Questo "bigino" era pronto già da tempo ma per un motivo o un'altro ho sempre rimandato la pubblicazione. Ma ora basta, anche se non ancora perfetto, spero che vada bene come versione 1.0.. Se trovate degli errori o avete dei cambiamenti da proporre, lasciatemi un commento.... Continue Reading →
BlackBerry OS 10.2.1
In most countries the new OS has been rolled out but the providers in Switzerland were/are late to the party so I decided to load another provider's OS as many customers were asking about details. There are different reviews about all the new features, I've picked a few of the ones requested by my customers.... Continue Reading →
IBM Notes Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 available
You've probably seen reports about bugs with Traveler 9.0.1 like the one from Detlev Poettgen or from Daniel Nashed. The good folks at IBM have worked on these bugs and IF1 is now available. go read about the fixes here. Thanks to Steve Pitcher for pointing it out in his Tweet