A few years ago it seemed a trend that companies would "save their employes from overworking" by limiting push-emails or deleting emails during vacations/leaves. I haven't heard anything like that for quite a while until last week, when I got a request from a customer asking for technical possibilities but also references of other companies... Continue Reading →
IBM Verse Policy Settings for IBM Traveler
A few days ago IBM published the IBM Verse app for iOS which you can get from here. If you want to "control" some settings via IBM Traveler policy, make sure to update to the latest Traveler version first, you also need to download the new Domino Directory template available here and apply the update to your directory to... Continue Reading →
BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 – Calendar
The calendar got some improvements too, here are a few of the things I like besides the earlier mentioned meeting mode and events overview in the Hub. Calendar Views The calendar views provide more information at a glance. In this example of a day view you see that there are different calendar accounts and entries with the square and... Continue Reading →
BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 – Hub
Let's focus on the BlackBerry Hub, one of my favourite features of OS10 bringing together your communication channels into one place. Besides the already known color coding it is now easier to act on multiple entries. The option to file or delete a message, or several if you select more than one, is available right... Continue Reading →
BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 – Settings
Apparently some BlackBerry users are reluctant to upgrade their OS10 devices to 10.3.1 but in my opinion they really should upgrade. For some devices the battery drain might be higher but there are also settings which can help to prevent it. I'll post some of the new OS 10.3.1. settings in the next few days. Home Screen... Continue Reading →
BlackBerry Blend
One of the highlights with the BlackBerry OS update 10.3.1 is the availability of BlackBerry Blend. Basically it gives you the opportunity to access data from your BlackBerry by pairing the device with your computer or tablet. You then use the BlackBerry Blend app on your computer/tablet to access the BlackBerry Blend Dashboard which gives you access to work as well as... Continue Reading →
a long overdue “thank you”
A bit over a month ago René Winkelmeyer stirred up some dust with his discovery and blog post about the security issue with the new Outlook iOS/Android App. Shortly after his post, his colleague Detlev Pöttgen posted an easy solution to prevent the app from connecting to the Traveler server on his blog. Because of the big... Continue Reading →