the new kid in town – IBM Connections Editor

IBM released a new app to enhance the use of IBM Connections on mobile. The iOS version was released today while the Android version was already available yesterday which, of course, I have installed on my BlackBerry.

The description in the store says it all:
The IBM Connections Editor is a companion office application suite for IBM Connections. The IBM Connections Editor is optimized for smartphone and tablets to create, edit, or read Microsoft® Word, Excel, or Powerpoint documents and view PDFs on your mobile device from IBM Connections Files. You have full editing capabilities on your mobile device and can easily share these Files in IBM Connections to collaborate with others in your organization.

I could have used this app last week during a customer presentation because it really is a game changer for some of the requests we get from customers. You can easily create a document and upload it directly to your IBM Connections environment but even better, you can open a document from your IBM Connections Files store, edit it and re-upload it all within one app.

Again, there is no native app for BlackBerry so I’ve used the Android one for testing. As you can see from the images, the procedure is very simple, the only drawback, the online editing does not work on the BlackBerry because the app does not get the edit command directly from the IBM Connections app. Still, if you have an Android or iOS device and are using IBM Connections, this app is definitely something to install and use. Make sure to update the IBM Connections app! There is an update available which will add support for the IBM Connections Editor app. The editing also works on the BlackBerry.

Get the Editor app for Android or iOS

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