IBM Connections Mobile APNS certificates expiring on 1/29/2016

IBM released a Flash Alert because of expiring APNS certificates: «Users using IBM Connections Mobile will stop receiving Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) notifications after the certificates expire on 1/29/2016. Download the iFix for your server version and apply. Some releases require a prerequisite iFix and the links for those are included.» Link to the... Continue Reading →

solving a slow Time Capsule Backup

Over the last weeks the backup of my Mac got slower and slower and no matter what, even backing up a few MB took "forever". I tried the usual "Safe Boot" trick but that didn't help either, a backup was still taking forever. Then I read about issues with the Spotlight index and gave that... Continue Reading →

from my inbox..

I've helped a customer solving a compatibility problem, Adobe CC broke the drag&drop feature in Notes, by sneaking in an IBM Notes 9 install on their Mac. Couldn't help laughing when reading his question.. Good news..... It worked!  Curious though, what exactly is the "Social Edition"?  Thank you very much.

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