I missed my self-set deadline for this post so I'm not referencing Back to the Future anymore.. 😉 but this Wednesday will still be a special day for me when I will have a session at SNoUG together with Sandra Bühler, talking about a customer reference project. If you haven't checked the agenda yet, go... Continue Reading →
IBM Connections Editor – small update
Referring to my post about the new editor app make sure to update the IBM Connections app as well. The latest update for Android and iOS adds support for IBM Connections Editor amongst other things which also solved the editing problem on the BlackBerry.
the new kid in town – IBM Connections Editor
IBM released a new app to enhance the use of IBM Connections on mobile. The iOS version was released today while the Android version was already available yesterday which, of course, I have installed on my BlackBerry. The description in the store says it all: The IBM Connections Editor is a companion office application suite... Continue Reading →
Simplifying an #IBMConnections installation
We have been quite busy with a side project at Belsoft and we are finally at a stage, were we can start sharing some information about it. We are introducing "InstallJack" to the world. Our goal with this new tool is to simplify and to speed-up the installation of IBM Connections. It's been great to... Continue Reading →
Social Connections VI
Earlier this week I was in Prague attending Social Connections VI. The IBM Connections User Group conference had a packed agenda and the attendance was impressive. It was the second time Belsoft was amongst the sponsors of a Social Connections event and three of us travelled to the nice venue at the Hotel Ambassador. The... Continue Reading →
IBM Connections 3.2 Mobile for BlackBerry
With a long delay, considering the release of different version of new clients for iOS and Android, IBM finally released the new IBM Connections Mobile client for the BlackBerry platform. First thing you notice after the upgrade is of course the color of the icon which turned to blue as well. Â My impression so... Continue Reading →
La mia presentazione del DominoPoint Days 2012 su IBM Connections
Utilizzo di IBM Connections nelle PMI di Andreas Ponte