Availability of #IBMDomino & #IBMNotes 9.0.1 FP6 – Download links

After having much fun providing links to customers for other software downloads today I thought to share this list right away. Thanks to @stevencpitcher for notifying us about the availability of FP6 for IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 and see Johnny Oldenburger's post for a preliminary fix list description. Here are the generated links to the Fix... Continue Reading →

New JVM installers & Interim Fixes available

The fixpack galore goes on with new updates for Notes and Domino on the different platforms. Fix lists and download links can be found in technote 1657963 for 9.0.1.x and in technote 1663874 for 8.5.3.x Good to see that the following has been fixed as we had some issues with clients crashing after a recent... Continue Reading →

A return ticket to SNoUG

I missed my self-set deadline for this post so I'm not referencing Back to the Future anymore.. 😉 but this Wednesday will still be a special day for me when I will have a session at SNoUG together with Sandra Bühler, talking about a customer reference project. If you haven't checked the agenda yet, go... Continue Reading →

Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM HTTP Server bundled with IBM Domino 9

In case you are using the IBM HTTP server bundled with an IBM Domino 9 server, you should get the fixes posted today. From the Security Bulletin: IBM recommends not using the IBM HTTP Server option and instead using "IBM Domino Interim Fixes to Support TLS 1.2". However, for those customers who have a continuing... Continue Reading →

IBM Notes/Domino Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in the IBM Java SDK

Fresh from the press: new downloads available for IBM Notes and IBM Domino to fix the Java issues disclosed in the Oracle January 2015 Critical Patch Update. This Java vulnerabilities affect all current versions of IBM Notes and Domino and if you don't control some of the Java behaviour on the server or client via restrictions or ECL... Continue Reading →

small glitch in the #IBMDomino Admin Client

I was working at a customer site, the admin client I was using was a bit sluggish and some of the screens were only loading very slowly. At the first glance I didn't notice the second box but going back to the messaging tab I had a better look and saw this: I had the... Continue Reading →

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