doesn’t stop..
after the great start
The totally unofficial, totally unsupported IBM Connect 2013 session database – NOW AVAILABLE
and the first enhancements
we now give you offline access for the session database in your browser courtesy of IBM Champion Giuseppe Grasso of Dominopoint fame. He’s been working on this project with Daniele Grillo and Andreas Imnitzer and you can access the mobile version over this link:
Connect to this mobile version with your tablet or smartphone, save the link as a bookmark and make sure to synch the database before heading to the airport.
You can browse through the sessions, check out the maps and more while on the plane and if you’ve been to LS11 or LS12 you know that WiFi coverage, to not say outage.., can be an issue at the conference as well.
btw.. the solution is running on Domino *hint for someone organising events* 😉
just got informed that the evolution continues and that mobilite is now an android app, which includes the agenda db as a demo