using the IBM Verse app on a BlackBerry

yeah.. why would you do that? there is no solution which comes close to the BlackBerry Hub and I’m certainly not moving to an app with less functionality. Still, out of curiosity I wanted to know how the IBM Verse app would behave on a BlackBerry.

I’m not getting into details about how to install an Android app as there are plenty of “how-to’s” but will share some of my findings.

Security / Device password
The initial sync didn’t work at first because of a security issue.
Basically Traveler didn’t recognize the Picture Password as a device password and therefore refused to synchronize because a device password is a requirement set in the policy.
After the initial sync I changed my device password back to a Picture Password and the sync continued to work.

I didn’t see any issues here. The notifications for mail/calendar work, same with the Actions (Needs Action/Waiting For) or the synchronization of data. Creating mails, answering them and any interaction with calendar items, i.e. the creation of events out of an email, were OK as well.

“Negative” points
(bearing in mind that it’s not a native app)
The app is a battery drainer! I’m using a BlackBerry Passport and I rarely need to charge it but since using the Verse app it was a daily activity.
There is no control/separation of work data. I can freely copy data from my business mail and paste it anywhere I want. This is something I can control with BES and don’t want to miss as a security feature.
On the positive side, the uninstall worked like a charm 😉

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6 thoughts on “using the IBM Verse app on a BlackBerry

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    1. Unfortunately they have stopped developing for BB years ago and I remember they were not too happy about the sideloaded Android apps working on the early OS10 builds. Now it is less of an issue but not having the IBM apps in the Amazon store is also a problem as sideloading remains the only option which is not always allowed at customer sites.

  1. i m using bb passport, the mail seems ok but the calendar notification doesnt pop -up or show in the hub?..why..can you assist?

  2. I`m using BB Passport with Traveler R9.0.1 it works perfectly as exchange client if I try to use Lotus Traveler on my Passport SE there works only for contacts todo and calendar without e-mails ….

    1. @Dami I’ve never used the Traveler specific account setting, it’s always been with BES or then ActiveSync, but a quick test gave me the same result..

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